Offshore companies

There are a lot of jurisdictions with offshore status, the Caribbean, the Indian Ocean and Pacific ocean, which on is the best?

Depends on our business model, let’s say that we are a service company which offers IT services, it’s not crucial if we have established our legal entity in Seychelles or Marshall Islands.

But if we need a special licence such as a Trust or Bank, then we have to see which jurisdictions offer such licences and under which requirements.

Today offshore companies have a hard time. 

In many countries within the EU transactions between local companies and offshore are subject of taxation.

 For more transparency, many offshore jurisdictions are asking for tax records to be kept at the registered address, which means that there are some additional running costs, on the other hand, offshore Banking is more expensive and less trustworthy. 

Most popular uses are the shipping industry and asset protection, but as we said on the US page, we may examine to use a US company instead of a clear offshore.